hair loss treatment

Choosing The Right Hair Loss Treatment For You

Hair loss is a serious issue and affects millions of men around the world. Male pattern baldness can be caused by a combination of genetic factors and a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Many men can experience stress over their hair loss, so it’s understandable that many look for possible solutions. If you’re choosing the right hair loss treatment for you and your lifestyle, here are some of the most popular options.

Finasteride for Hair Loss

Finasteride is a medication used to orally treat hair loss in men. It is a prescription medicine but is not available on the NHS for the treatment of hair loss. It works by fighting the effects of DHT on the hair follicles. The treatment works best if used in the early stages of hair loss; it is much less effective when hair loss is already well established.

Finasteride should be taken for as long as you wish to combat hair loss, and improvement is usually seen after three to six months. It doesn’t give a permanent cure for hair loss, so if you stop taking it, your hair will begin to fall out again. New hair that has grown will probably fall out once you have stopped taking the drug.

There is good clinical evidence for the effectiveness of Finasteride, however, it is important to understand the potential side effects. Uncommon but significant side effects are: decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, breast tenderness and enlargement. Any breast changes should be reported to your GP immediately as Finasteride possibly contributes to male breast cancer.


Minoxidil is an active ingredient that reinvigorates shrunken hair follicles by helping them increase in size and eventually regrow thicker hair. It works by assisting the blood flow to the hair follicles and increasing follicular size and diameter of the hair shaft, restoring and prolonging hair growth. Minoxidil stimulates follicle movement from resting to hair growth phase and extends each follicle’s growth phase.

Minoxidil solution is usually applied twice a day. It may take twice daily applications for two months or more before there is evidence of hair growth. 

When choosing the right hair loss treatment, you may note there are some side effects. Some common side effects of Minoxidil include skin irritation, headaches, unwanted non-scalp hair, itchiness and facial swelling. 

caffeine shampoo for hair loss

Caffeine-based Shampoo

If you are thinking of choosing the right hair loss treatment, you might consider caffeine-based shampoo. There are some small research papers showing some effectiveness of caffeine-based shampoo in improving hair strength. There is debate surrounding whether caffeine shampoos actually work. Caffeine shampoos are not endorsed by the medical community to treat hair loss.

How effective are Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy Injections?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy Injections are a hair loss treatment that can regenerate and promote hair growth. Your own platelet-rich plasma targets areas of hair loss and involves a simple injection of your own platelets into the vascular layer of your scalp. The results of PRP treatment are most noticeable after six months, however, they are not permanent; patients may require additional injections.

Hair Transplant Surgery

The only permanent solution to hair loss is hair transplant surgery. Clinical studies indicate that about 85-95% of all implanted grafts grow successfully in the transplanted area, indicating that hair transplants are generally very successful. So, if you are considering choosing the right hair loss treatment, here at Enhance Hair Restoration, we will ensure you are getting the best possible guidance and treatment. Our specialist at Enhance Hair Restoration offers a free virtual hair consultation if you’d like to learn more. 

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